
I am using Magento and I am having issues with the PayPal IPN. Its currently set to be

1) Is the correct address to use?

2) How can I start to debug this issue as PayPal as saying its a issue with the website

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  1. Yes, /paypal/ipn is correct
  2. Try enabling debug mode and see if that gives you some insight. Set Debug Mode to Yes in Payment Methods > Paypal (edition) > Configure > Advanced Settings

If this does not help, look at Mage_Paypal_IpnController and processIpnRequest method in Mage_Paypal_Model_Ipn class and look for a good places to put some Mage::log calls.

I would also recommend that you create a PayPal Sandbox account if you don't have one already since it provides IPN request simulator.

Good luck.

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