
I struggle organising my code, and I would like to share my "problem" with you by using a simple example: the calculation of the area of a rectangle. I put the code for example, but reading the first intro on each class section explains the situation easily.

Entity Rectangle:

The entity Rectangle contains two inportant properties $length and $width.

// src/Acme/CalculationBundle/Entity/Rectangle.php

 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Acme\CalculationBundle\Repository\RectangleRepository")
 * @ORM\Table(name="rectangle")
class Rectangle
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    protected $id;

     * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
    protected $length;

     * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
    protected $width;


Of course, the user can set length and width via a form


CreateRectangleAction: renders the form on GET request and work on the data on a POST request.

ViewRectangleAction: shows the rectangle.


Now, to make sure the controller doesn't do too much stuff, I use a RectangleManager to realise common operation on Rectangle objects and use it as a service (injecting the appropriate elements).

// src/Acme/CalculationBundle/Entity/RectangleManager.php
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use Acme\EmployerBundle\Entity\Manager;

class rectangleManager
     * Doctrine entity manager
     * @var EntityManager
    protected $em;

     * @var EntityRepository
    protected $repository;

     * @var string
    protected $class;

    public function __construct(EntityManager $em, $class)
        $this->em = $em;
        $this->class = $class;
        $this->repository = $em->getRepository($class);

     * @param $id
     * @return Rectangle
    public function find($id)
        $rectangle =  $this->repository->find($id);


What if I need to do some calculations on the rectangle? For example, if I need to add an area property so that I can render the area directly in the template without doing the calculation (length*width) in the template?

Not knowing how to do this properly, I went for this pretty bad solution:

I created a RectangleDisplay class (where I inject the rectangle entity) and display that entity instead of the Rectangle entity when calling ViewRectangleAction in the controller.

// src/Acme/CalculationBundle/Entity/
class RectangleDisplay
     * @var Rectangle $rectangle
    protected $rectangle;

     * @var Integer 
    protected $area;

     * @param Rectangle $rectangle
    public function __construct(rectangle $rectangle){

        $this->rectangle = $rectangle;
        //calculate are
        $area = this->calculateArea($this->rectangle->getLength(),$this->rectangle->getWidth());
        $this->area = $area;


     * @return Integer $area
    public function calculateArea($length,$width)
         return $length * $width;

Now the property area is directly accessible in the template. In the case of a rectangle, that is fine, but in the case of a more complex element (cone, ...), I might want to use a service that is crazy at doing calculation. I am not gonna inject the container in my RectangleDisplayEntity, am I?

Was it helpful?


This belongs in your entity.

class Rectangle
    // ...

    public function getArea()
        return $this->length * $this->width;

The area of a rectangle is a property of a rectangle. It's not some crazy calculation that should be delegated to another service, and it's especially not something display-related (though you may think that based on it being displayed in your application).

Now, if you were calculating something a lot more complex, it's probably worth moving to a service / another class. (Services = verbs, Entities = nouns and their properties).


Have you tried RectangleDisplay extends rectangleManager ? This is the normal way to extend a class with what you need, having available all possible properties of the parent and possible override of it's functions (here you can read more about it). None of the classes are final, so it shouldn't be a problem. Don't forget to take into account classes namespace when you will be working on it.

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