
My working code here correctly put the Tweet button on the page and allows the user to preview the tweet then commit it:

<a href="" class="twitter-share-button" 
    data-text="Check out this URL! "
    data-via="OurSite" data-size="large" data-count="none">Tweet</a>
<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; 
    if(!d.getElementById(id)) {
    (document,"script", "twitter-wjs");

If you recall (have a look at your own Tweets for example) you can paste into your tweet a functioning link - a link that one of your Twitter followers, upon reading your tweet, will notice

   'hey, I see an embedded URL here in this tweet -- I can tell it's a link 
    because it looks like a URL and its text color is a different color from 
    the other text in the tweet.  Here let me click on that url in the tweet
    and -- HEY it works, that blue-colored text IS a link, I just jumped to'

I was under the impression that in my code above the 'data-url' setting was supposed to make a visible, specially-colored link url appear right in the body of the tweet. Well it doesn't in my case.

In my code above, data-url="" is not even visible in the Tweet at all. And changing the 'data-text' to

   data-text="Check out this URL!"

The tweet generated by the code above is: Check out this URL!

but even though the '' URL appears within the tweet -- it's not a link, just text, and has the same text color as the rest of the tweet.

The text in the tweet above does not

  • look like a click-able link

  • act like a click-able link

It's just text.

How do I get the Tweet button to display a click-able URL link with the Tweet button? I thought the 'data-url' would make the link visible and clickable but it does not.

Was it helpful?


When you're tweeting, is it from a specific page? i.e. a blog post or information article? If so, I believe you can leave the data-url option out and it should pull in the URL from the address bar.

This is the code that we use for tweets

<a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-lang="en" data-size="large" data-count="none">Tweet</a>

Which will pull down the page title (which you can define with the data-text tag) and the URL of the page you are currently on, so will give you something like

{{Title of Page or Title defined by data-text}} 


It's probably because the link you're sharing is not accessible to the public. It doesn't work with local/development domains.


Correction. It wasn't working for me because I was using a relative url ('/blog' rather than '').

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