
I have a menu item that appears when right clicking over a datagridview. From their the user hovers over a menuitem and a list of other menu items appears, once again this repeats. Giving soemthing like this.

|  FOO  |---------
---------|  BAR  |------------
          ---------|  FOOBAR  |

There is only to be an event (addressof) handled on the the 3rd tier. With that being said I need to grab the from FOOBAR and the of the said parent (grandparent).

Here is where I am at:

If currentMouseRow >= 0 AndAlso currentMouseColumn <= 1 Then
            dataGridView_monitorMapping.Rows(currentMouseRow).Selected = True
            mainMenu.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("Set Monitor(s) Settings"))
            mainMenu.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("Sync Monitor Mapping View", AddressOf triggerSync))
            'list avaliable priorites
            For Each priorityRow As DataRow In priorityTypesDS.Tables(0).Rows
                Dim rowPriortiyName As String = CStr(priorityRow("Priority"))
                Dim subMenu_priorities_item As New MenuItem(rowPriortiyName)
                'list avaliable boards
                For Each boardRow As DataRow In serviceBoardDS.Tables(0).Rows
                    Dim rowBoardName As String = CStr(boardRow("SvcBrd"))
                    Dim subMenu_boards_item As New MenuItem(rowBoardName)
                    'list avaliable types based on board
                    If rowBoardName IsNot Nothing Then
                        Dim availableSvcTypes As DataSet = GetServiceTypes(_objhost, serviceTypes, rowBoardName)
                        For Each svcTypeRow As DataRow In availableSvcTypes.Tables(0).Rows
                            Dim rowSvcTypeName As String = CStr(svcTypeRow(1))
                            Dim subMenu_svcType_item As New MenuItem(rowSvcTypeName, AddressOf triggerSync)
                    End If
            mainMenu.Show(dataGridView_monitorMapping, New Point(e.X, e.Y))
        End If

And the event handler

Public Sub updateMultiRowSettingChange(ByVal Sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
    'TODO | Handle selection from right click menu.
End Sub
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Something like this should get you what you are looking for:

Public Sub updateMultiRowSettingChange(ByVal Sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
    Dim item As MenuItem = CType(sender, MenuItem)
    Dim parent As MenuItem = CType(item.Parent, MenuItem)
    Dim grandparent As Menu = parent.Parent
End Sub

However, it may be simpler to set the tag on the menu item to whatever information you need to know where it's coming from, then you could just check item.Tag after you cast it to the MenuItem class.

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