
I've got this line of code:


This will correctly select elements like this

<input type='number' data-val='true' />

But this will NOT select elements with alternate casing, like so: (note the capital T)

<input type='number' data-val='True' />

Besides putting in multiple selectors for different casing, what is a good way to make sure the selector returns the elements with the correct boolean value in it (even though it's a string"

FYI, the casing variance occurs due to my MVC application when I set the vlaue to an actual boolean, it will capialize this when it gets converted to a string :(

@Html.TextBox("quoteNumber", "", new { type = "number", data_val = true, data_val_required = "You must enter a quote number!" })
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Use the .filter method with a regexp:

    return /true/i.test($(this).attr("data-val"));


in this case if you want to have a single jquery selector, you should use a REGEX for the boolean value :) it looks a bit hackish but it can solve your problem.

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