
i want to add my own place using Google places API in android I am using the following code snippet, however it give me this exception: 400 Bad Request

My code snippet is:

private static final String PLACE_ADD_URL = ""; 
public PlacesList addPlace() throws Exception {

try {
        Log.v(LOG_KEY, "Adding Place...");
        GenericUrl reqUrl = new GenericUrl(PLACE_ADD_URL);
        reqUrl.put("key", API_KEY);
        reqUrl.put("sensor", "false");
        Log.v(LOG_KEY, "Adding Place...");
        //reqUrl.put("Host:", "");
        Log.v(LOG_KEY, "Requested URL= " + reqUrl);

        HttpRequestFactory httpRequestFactory = createRequestFactory(transport);
        HttpRequest request = httpRequestFactory.buildGetRequest(reqUrl);

        Log.v(LOG_KEY, request.execute().parseAsString());  
        PlacesList place = request.execute().parseAs(PlacesList.class);

        Log.v(LOG_KEY, "STATUS = " + place.status); 
        Log.v(LOG_KEY, "Place Added is = " + place);    

            return place;

    } catch (HttpResponseException e) {
        Log.v(LOG_KEY, e.getResponse().parseAsString());
        throw e;

    catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO: handle exception
        throw e;

Now i played a lot with this exception but cant solved, how i should pass this request URL? is my approach is correct or wrong??

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I was return Key as null. Now i passes correct key and It works fine

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