
i need two different 404 page for customer and vender.

i need different page for customer and different page for vender.

how can i do different page for customer and vender

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I would suggest that you use the event controller_action_layout_load_before. By setting up your events to listen to this you should be able to use the action and layout that are attached to this event.


Then you can check the action type in your observer to make sure you are working with the 404 page and then add a handle based on customer type. For you something like the following should be a good start:

$action = $observer->getEvent()->getAction();
if ($action instanceof Mage_Cms_IndexController && $action->getRequest()->getRequestedActionName() == 'noRoute') {
    if (// Add check for customer or vendor here) {

Then you simply need to add a layout update for the appropriate handle and change the template/design as desired.

Varien_Event Object
[_observers:protected] => Varien_Event_Observer_Collection Object
        [_observers:protected] => Array


[_data:protected] => Array
        [action] => Mage_Cms_IndexController Object
                [_currentArea:protected] => frontend
                [_sessionNamespace:protected] => frontend
                [_request:protected] => Mage_Core_Controller_Request_Http Object
                        [_originalPathInfo:protected] => /sales/order/hdsa/
                        [_storeCode:protected] => 
                        [_requestString:protected] => /sales/order/hdsa/
                        [_rewritedPathInfo:protected] => 
                        [_requestedRouteName:protected] => 
                        [_routingInfo:protected] => Array

                        [_route:protected] => cms
                        [_directFrontNames:protected] => 
                        [_controllerModule:protected] => Mage_Cms
                        [_isStraight:protected] => 
                        [_beforeForwardInfo:protected] => Array

                        [_paramSources:protected] => Array
                                [0] => _GET
                                [1] => _POST

                        [_requestUri:protected] => /amazoneclone/Web/index.php/sales/order/hdsa/
                        [_baseUrl:protected] => /amazoneclone/Web/index.php
                        [_basePath:protected] => /amazoneclone/Web
                        [_pathInfo:protected] => /sales/order/hdsa/
                        [_params:protected] => Array

                        [_rawBody:protected] => 
                        [_aliases:protected] => Array

                        [_dispatched:protected] => 1
                        [_module:protected] => cms
                        [_moduleKey:protected] => module
                        [_controller:protected] => index
                        [_controllerKey:protected] => controller
                        [_action:protected] => noRoute
                        [_actionKey:protected] => action

                [_response:protected] => Mage_Core_Controller_Response_Http Object
                        [_body:protected] => Array

                        [_exceptions:protected] => Array

                        [_headers:protected] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [name] => Content-Type
                                        [value] => text/html; charset=UTF-8
                                        [replace] => 

                                [1] => Array
                                        [name] => X-Frame-Options
                                        [value] => SAMEORIGIN
                                        [replace] => 1

                                [2] => Array
                                        [name] => P3p
                                        [value] => CP="CAO PSA OUR"
                                        [replace] => 1

                                [3] => Array
                                        [name] => Http/1.1
                                        [value] => 404 Not Found
                                        [replace] => 

                                [4] => Array
                                        [name] => Status
                                        [value] => 404 File not found
                                        [replace] => 


                        [_headersRaw:protected] => Array

                        [_httpResponseCode:protected] => 200
                        [_isRedirect:protected] => 
                        [_renderExceptions:protected] => 
                        [headersSentThrowsException] => 1

                [_realModuleName:protected] => 
                [_flags:protected] => Array

                [_cookieCheckActions:protected] => Array

                [_isLayoutLoaded:protected] => 
                [_titles:protected] => Array

                [_removeDefaultTitle:protected] => 

        [layout] => Mage_Core_Model_Layout Object
                [_update:protected] => EM_Themeframework_Model_Layout_Update Object
                        [_elementClass:protected] => 
                        [_packageLayout:protected] => 
                        [_cacheId:protected] => 
                        [_cachePrefix:protected] => 
                        [_updates:protected] => Array

                        [_handles:protected] => Array
                                [default] => 1
                                [cms_page] => 1
                                [STORE_default] => 1
                                [THEME_frontend_default_em0117] => 1
                                [cms_index_noroute] => 1
                                [page_two_columns_right] => 1

                        [_subst:protected] => Array
                                [from] => Array
                                        [0] => {{baseUrl}}
                                        [1] => {{baseSecureUrl}}

                                [to] => Array
                                        [0] =>
                                        [1] =>



                [_blocks:protected] => Array

                [_output:protected] => Array

                [_area:protected] => frontend
                [_helpers:protected] => Array

                [_directOutput:protected] => 
                [_xml:protected] => Mage_Core_Model_Layout_Element     Object

                [_cacheId:protected] => 
                [_cacheTags:protected] => Array

                [_cacheLifetime:protected] => 
                [_cacheChecksum:protected] => 
                [_cacheSaved:protected] => 
                [_cache:protected] => 
                [_elementClass:protected] =>     Mage_Core_Model_Layout_Element
                [_xpathExtends:protected] => //*[@extends]

        [name] => controller_action_layout_load_before

[_hasDataChanges:protected] => 
[_origData:protected] => 
[_idFieldName:protected] => 
[_isDeleted:protected] => 
[_oldFieldsMap:protected] => Array

[_syncFieldsMap:protected] => Array

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