
I am looking for ways to decode a PKCS#12 file in .NET, I need to extract the private key and any certificates so that i can programatically access the following.

  • modulus
  • publicExponent
  • privateExponent
  • prime1
  • prime2
  • exponent1
  • exponent2
  • coefficient

I need this informatio so that i can successfully use PKCS#11 to create a private key and cetificate on a USB token.

I have found a website that uses OpenSSL to output this data. I was pretty excited when I found OpenSSL.NET however the functionallity to split PKCS#12 files hasn't been implemented yet. I was wondering if anyone knew of any altenatives.



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I've used bouncy castle API extensibly on a recent project, on its Java port, and it works wonders, flawlessly.

I bet their C# isn't much different, and it does a really good work at what is targeted.


Cheers Manuel,

I downloaded the Bouncy Castle API and it didn't take long to find what i needed. The source code includes an extensive list of unit tests.

static void Main(string[] args)
    char[] password = new char[] {'p','a','s','s','w','o','r','d'};

    using(StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(@"Test.pfx"))
        Pkcs12Store store = new Pkcs12Store(reader.BaseStream,password);
        foreach (string n in store.Aliases)
                AsymmetricKeyEntry key = store.GetKey(n);

                    RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters parameters = key.Key as RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters;

AFAIK you have to pinvoke out to the win32 crypto libraries, see this MSDN article:

You should be able to use OpenSSL directly via pInvoke. Maybe you could contribute back to the OpenSSL.NET project when you get it working.

The win32 crypto providers is a good alternative, but it can be a bit inflexible in terms of what formats it can parse and generate.

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