
Here's what I want to do: I want to build a test suite that's organized into packages like tests.ui, tests.text, tests.fileio, etc. In each in these packages, I want to make a test suite consisting of all the tests in all the modules in that package. Of course, getting all the tests can be done with unittest.TestLoader, but it seems that I have to add each module individually. So supposing that test.ui has and, I want the to import these two files and get a list of the two module objects. The idea is that I want to automate making the test suites so that I can't forget to include something in the test suite.

What's the best way to do this? It seems like it would be an easy thing to do, but I'm not finding anything.

I'm using Python 2.5 btw.

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Good answers here, but the best thing to do would be to use a 3rd party test discovery and runner like:

  • Nose (my favourite)
  • Trial (pretty nice, especially when testing async stuff)
  • py.test (less good, in my opinion)

They are all compatible with plain unittest.TestCase and you won't have to modify your tests in any way, neither would you have to use the advanced features in any of them. Just use as a suite discovery.

Is there a specific reason you want to reinvent the nasty stuff in these libs?


Solution to exactly this problem from our django project:

"""Test loader for all module tests
import unittest
import re, os, imp, sys

def find_modules(package):
    files = [re.sub('\.py$', '', f) for f in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(package.__file__))
             if f.endswith(".py")]
    return [imp.load_module(file, *imp.find_module(file, package.__path__)) for file in files]

def suite(package=None):
    """Assemble test suite for Django default test loader"""
    if not package: package = myapp.tests # Default argument required for Django test runner
    return unittest.TestSuite([unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(m)
                               for m in find_modules(package)])

if __name__ == '__main__':

EDIT: The benefit compared to bialix's solution is that you can place this loader anytwhere in the project tree, there's no need to modify in every test directory.

You can use os.listdir to find all files in the test.* directory and then filter out .py files:

# Place this code to your in test.* directory
import os
modules = []
for name in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))):
    m, ext = os.path.splitext()
    if ext == '.py':
__all__ = modules

The magic variable __file__ contains filepath of the current module. Try

print __file__

to check.

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