
Let's say I have a vector of maps

[{:username "kbee" :firstname "Kay" :lastname "Bee"},
 {:username "jcee" :firstname "Jay" :lastname "Cee"}]

and i want to generate xml files for each map like the following


how do i use just the clojure core library to achieve this. (I looked at enlive and fleet but they seemed a little complicated for me.)

ideally i'd like to do the following

(map #(spit (str (:username %) ".xml") (gen-xml sometemplate %) map-of-users))
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Did you try clojure.xml/emit-element ? :

(use 'clojure.xml)
(def v [{:username "kbee" :firstname "Kay" :lastname "Bee"},
        {:username "jcee" :firstname "Jay" :lastname "Cee"}])

(defn to-xml [m] (doseq [[k v] m] 
                  (emit-element {:tag k :content [v]}) ))

Try out at REPL:

user> (to-xml (first v))

All you need then is to wrap what's in the to-xml with a user tag.

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