
I wrote my maven project in Netbeans.I wrote tests for my project (dao,service..). All tests are right, but when I build or test my project maven shows there are no tests to compile.I'm using maven-surefire-plugin, so include it to the pom.xml:




I think something wrong with surefire-plugin..


Scanning for projects...

Building Employeers 1.0.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT


[debug] execute contextualize
Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
Copying 4 resources

Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date


[debug] execute contextualize
Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
Copying 1 resource

Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date

Surefire report directory: C:\Users\Администратор\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Employeers\target\surefire-reports
Using configured provider org.apache.maven.surefire.junitcore.JUnitCoreProvider

 T E S T S
Error: An unexpected error occurred while trying to open file C:\Users\?????????????\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Employeers\target\surefire\surefirebooter472050683580306804.jar

Results :

Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

Packaging webapp
Assembling webapp [Employeers] in [C:\Users\Администратор\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Employeers\target\Employeers-1.0.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT]
Processing war project
Copying webapp resources [C:\Users\Администратор\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Employeers\src\main\webapp]
Webapp assembled in [590 msecs]
Building war: C:\Users\Администратор\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Employeers\target\Employees.war
Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/web.xml which will be ignored 
(webxml attribute is missing from war task, or ignoreWebxml attribute is specified as 'true')
Total time: 5.258s
Finished at: Fri Jul 27 19:47:07 EEST 2012
Final Memory: 6M/16M
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The username with cyrillic characters might be involved.

While the plugin initially states the following directory:


it later refers to it as the following (note the question marks):



That's my pom:

  <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""






       <!--              SERVLET                                  -->
        <!--                                               -->
        <!--   Hibernate                                     -->
        <!-- Support of transaction -->
                <!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->

        <!--                       ROO                    -->

        <!--                        Aspectj                 -->
        <!--                        LOGGING                 -->

             <!--                            @Inject                              -->

            <!--                            TEST                                 -->

        <!--                        Security                    -->
        <!--                   Spring mvc                          -->
















                <!-- For developing against latest Spring milestones -->
            <name>Spring Maven Milestone Repository</name>
                <!-- For testing against latest Spring snapshots -->
                        <name>Spring Maven Snapshot Repository</name>
            <name>Repository for library Library[junit_4]</name>

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