
Say I call XElement.Parse() with the following XML string:

var xml = XElement.Parse(@"
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <AccessControlPolicy xmlns="">
        <Grantee xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="Group">

When it comes time to query the element, I'm forced to use fully-qualified element names because that XML document contains an xmlns attribute in its root. This requires cumbersome creations of XName instances:

var AWS_XMLNS = "";
var ownerElement = xml.Element(XName.Get("AccessControlPolicy", AWS_XMLNS)).Element(XName.Get("Owner", AWS_XMLNS));

When what I really want is simply,

var ownerElement = xml.Element("AccessControlPolicy").Element("Owner");

Is there a way to make LINQ to XML assume a specific namespace so I don't have to keep specifying it?

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I don't think you can (see Jon Skeet's comment), but there are a few tricks you can do.

1) create an extension method that appends the XNamespace to your string

2) Use VB?!?


You could simplify by using

XNamespace ns = "";
var ownerElement = xml.Element(ns + "AccessControlPolicy").Element(ns + "Owner");
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