
I'm trying to parse the following JSon (which was validated I think last time I checked):

    "top_level" =     (
            "download" = "http:/";
            "other_information" = "other info";
            "notes" =             (
                    obj1 = "some text";
                    obj2 = "more notes";
                    obj3 = "some more text still";
            title = "name_of_object1";
            "download" = "http:/";
            "other_information" = "other info";
            "notes" =             (
                    obj1 = "some text";
                    obj2 = "more notes";
                    obj3 = "some more text still";
            title = "name_of_object2";
            "download" = "http:/";
            "other_information" = "other info";
            "notes" =             (
                    obj1 = "some text";
                    obj2 = "more notes";
                    obj3 = "some more text still";
            title = "name_of_object3";

My attempt is using the following:

NSDictionary *myParsedJson = [myRawJson JSONValue];

for(id key in myParsedJson) {
    NSString *value = [myParsedJson objectForKey:key];


-[__NSArrayM length]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6bb7b40

Question: It seems to me that JSon value makes myParsedJson object an NSArray instead of a NSDictionary.

How would I iterate through the objects called name_of_object and access each of the nested dictionaries? Am I going about it the right way?

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The first argument of NSLog must be a string. Try this:

NSLog(@"%@", value);


Your value is not a string, just because you've typed it so. Based on the structure you posted you will have an array as your top-level object.

NSDictionary *myParsedJson = [myRawJson JSONValue];
for(id key in myParsedJson) {
    id value = [myParsedJson objectForKey:key];
    NSLog(@"%@", value);

The %@ syntax in NSLog causes the -description method to be called on value; this method returns an NSString. That means that you could do NSLog([value description]); but this is generally not a good idea. (Someone could craft malicious input that could crash your app.)

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