
Can someone give me an example of how I would delete a row in mysql with Zend framework when I have two conditions?

i.e: (trying to do this)

"DELETE FROM messages WHERE message_id = 1 AND user_id = 2"

My code (that is failing miserably looks like this)

// is this our message?
$condition = array(
                   'message_id = ' => $messageId,
                   'profile_id = ' => $userId

$n = $db->delete('messages', $condition);
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Instead of an associative array, you should just be passing in an array of criteria expressions, ala:

$condition = array(
    'message_id = ' . $messageId,
    'profile_id = ' . $userId

(and make sure you escape those values appropriately if they're coming from user input)


Better to use this:

$condition = array(
    'message_id = ?' => $messageId,
    'profile_id = ?' => $userId

The placeholder symbols (?) get substituted with the values, escapes special characters, and applies quotes around it.

Use this , it is working...

$data = array(

$where = $table->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', 5);

$table->update($data, $where);
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