
I use vagrant to test my chef recipes. The issue is that I have clone my private repo and the machine is not auteticated. How can i automated git authentication to boostrap chef? I am using the vagrant ubuntu 11.10 with chef.


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use ssh keys with passphrase on a vagrant+chef setup will have similar answers that might be helpful.

Without knowing more details of chef-solo, or chef-client + chef-server. It comes down to ssh keys.

Make sure you are authing with something like

Then you will want to ensure that your VM and underlying host is ssh agent forwarding.

Make sure your ~/.ssh/config has the appropriate line. A general example is.

host *
    ForwardAgent yes

Remember that first match wins in ~/.ssh/config , not the most specific

Then you may have to add any identities with ssh-add and make sure ssh-agent is there as well.

Finally, in the Vagrantfile, config.ssh.forward_agent = true

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