
What I'm trying to do from this query is i'm trying to get all the rows which are older than the specified Cutoffnumber from customertransaction table:

@Cutoffnumber INT

SELECT @SQL = 'SELECT * FROM customertransaction WHERE DATEDIFF(DD, Transactiondate, GETDATE()) > @Cutoffnumber '

But i'm getting the below error, Note that this is a dynamic SQL query.

Must declare the scalar variable "@Cutoffnumber"

How should I go about.

Was it helpful?


Look into sp_executesql


Decalre @Cutoffnumber INT    
Set @Cutoffnumber = @someValue
SELECT @SQL = 'SELECT * FROM customertransaction WHERE DATEDIFF(DD, Transactiondate, GETDATE()) >' + @Cutoffnumber 

Though it seems like you could do this without dynamic SQL:

Declare @Cutoffnumber INT    
Set @Cutoffnumber = @someValue
SELECT * FROM customertransaction WHERE DATEDIFF(DD, Transactiondate, GETDATE()) > @Cutoffnumber 
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