
I am using ChildBrowser, which works fine to display external web pages within my PhoneGap application. My problem is that I am not able to add title/header in child web pages. Any suggestions?

What i tried so far

Instead of toolbar.addView(edittext); I added

final TextView rowTextView = new TextView(ctx.getContext()); 

But it looks like I also need to pass myTitle variable to execute method so that inside PluginResult execute() I can use something like

result = this.showWebPage(args.getString(0), args.optJSONObject(1), myTitle);

Can I add the same sample of code of yours for iOS?

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You'll have to "upgrade" ChildBrowser: somewhere around line 340 there's this code: webview.setWebViewClient(client);. Replace it with the following:

webview.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
    public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
      webview.loadUrl("javascript:(function(){"+"var t=document.head.getElementsByTagName('title')[0];t.innerHTML="+myNewTitle+"})()");

You'll have to tweak also the options reading code of showWebPage() to set myNewTitle. But after that, you should be good to go.


Basically I decided that -- for my use at least, and probably yours -- the toolbar as it stands wasn't needed. Originally, I tweaked ChildBrowser so that I could do Google oAuth2 painlessly, by sending back the full HTML source back to the JS code. I definitely don't need a toolbar, as the user is going where Google wants it to, period. I had to hack stuff off the code, and the original author could be pissed at what I did with his code... Here's a checklist:

import android.view.Gravity;
import android.util.TypedValue;

public class ChildBrowser extends Plugin {
  **public String zeTitle;**

//  private EditText edittext;
private TextView edittext;

All references to EditText have to be changed to TextView.

result = this.showWebPage(args.getString(0), args.optJSONObject(1)**, args.getString(2)**);

You will need to change stuff in the .js file too.

public String showWebPage(final String url, JSONObject options**, String myNewTitle**) {
  if (options != null) {
    showLocationBar = options.optBoolean("showLocationBar", true);

Comment out all the ImageButton related code.

edittext = new TextView(ctx.getContext()); // insread of EditText

Comment out the edittext.setOnKeyListener

// edittext.setText(url);
edittext.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, 24);

Add to the toolbar only what's needed:

// toolbar.addView(back);
// toolbar.addView(forward);
// toolbar.addView(close);


public class ChildBrowserClient extends WebViewClient {
// EditText edittext;
  TextView edittext;

 * Constructor.
 * @param mContext
 * @param edittext 
public ChildBrowserClient(TextView mEditText) {
//  this.edittext = mEditText;

In the JS code:

cb.showWebPage(YOUR_URL, {showLocationBar:true}, YOUR_TITLE);

You should be good to go. I'll put up an updated version of the ChildBrowser I use on GitHub.

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