
I'm fairly new to C# programming.

I am making a program for fun that adds two numbers together, than displays the sum in a message box. I have two numericUpDowns and a button on my form. When the button is pushed I want it to display a message box with the answer.

The problem is, I am unsure how to add the twp values from the numericUpDowns together.

So far, I have this in my button event handler:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MessageBox.Show(this.numericUpDown1.Value + this.numericUpDown2.Value);

But obviously, it does not work. It gives me 2 compiler errors: 1. The best overloaded method match for 'System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(string) has some invalid arguments 2. Argument '1': cannot convert decimal to 'string'


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this.numericUpDown1.Value + this.numericUpDown2.Value is actually evaluating properly to a number, so you're actually very close. The problem is that the MessageBox.Show() function, needs a string as an argument, and you're giving it a number.

To convert the result to a string, add .ToString() to it. Like:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MessageBox.Show((this.numericUpDown1.Value + this.numericUpDown2.Value).ToString());

For reference, if you want to do more advanced formatting, you'd want to use String.Format() instead of ToString(). See this page for more info on how to use String.Format().


This works.

    decimal total = this.numericUpDown1.Value + this.numericUpDown2.Value;

MessageBox.Show expects a string as a parameter (that's the first error message).

Try this:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MessageBox.Show((this.numericUpDown1.Value + this.numericUpDown2.Value).ToString());

It takes the values from the numericUpDown components and adds them to get an object of the type Decimal. This is then converted to a String, which MessageBox takes.

Now that's easy. NumericUpDown.Value has a type of Decimal. Messagebox.Show() expects a String. All you need to do is

MessageBox.Show((this.numericUpDown1.Value + this.numericUpDown2.Value).ToString());

to convert the result of the addition to a string.

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