
I use cocos2d 1.1, xCode 4.5 for my game's progect. I would like to recode my game for support the iPhone 5. But I faced with problem: cocos2d 1.1 can't detected sprite for retina 4 inch.

Default-568h@2x.png - work fine, but the game's sprites appears as *-hd.png. It seems cocos2d 1.1 can detected just *-hd.png, however I added the sprites *-568h@2x.png.

Sorry for my English.

The solving of this problem is in CCFileUtils.m file as written below sergio.

I did the little changes in method +(NSString*) getDoubleResolutionImage:(NSString*)path

+(NSString*) getDoubleResolutionImage:(NSString*)path

    if( CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR() == 2 )
        NSString *pathWithoutExtension = [path stringByDeletingPathExtension];
        NSString *name = [pathWithoutExtension lastPathComponent];

        NSString *extension = [path pathExtension];

        if( [extension isEqualToString:@"ccz"] || [extension isEqualToString:@"gz"] )
            extension = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.%@", [pathWithoutExtension pathExtension], extension];
            pathWithoutExtension = [pathWithoutExtension stringByDeletingPathExtension];

        CGFloat screenHeight = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height;

        if ([UIScreen mainScreen].scale == 2.f && screenHeight == 568.0f)
            if( [name rangeOfString:CC_RETINA4_DISPLAY_FILENAME_SUFFIX].location != NSNotFound ) {

                CCLOG(@"cocos2d: WARNING Filename(%@) already has the suffix %@. Using it.", name, CC_RETINA4_DISPLAY_FILENAME_SUFFIX);
                return path;

            NSString *retinaName = [pathWithoutExtension stringByAppendingString:CC_RETINA4_DISPLAY_FILENAME_SUFFIX];
            retinaName = [retinaName stringByAppendingPathExtension:extension];

            if( [__localFileManager fileExistsAtPath:retinaName] )
                return retinaName;

        if( [name rangeOfString:CC_RETINA_DISPLAY_FILENAME_SUFFIX].location != NSNotFound ) {

            CCLOG(@"cocos2d: WARNING Filename(%@) already has the suffix %@. Using it.", name, CC_RETINA_DISPLAY_FILENAME_SUFFIX);
            return path;

        NSString *retinaName = [pathWithoutExtension stringByAppendingString:CC_RETINA_DISPLAY_FILENAME_SUFFIX];
        retinaName = [retinaName stringByAppendingPathExtension:extension];
        if( [__localFileManager fileExistsAtPath:retinaName] )
            return retinaName;

        CCLOG(@"cocos2d: CCFileUtils: Warning HD file not found: %@", [retinaName lastPathComponent] );



    return path;

and also add in file ccConfig.h


If someone have a notice, please write

Was it helpful?


As far as I know, there is no general support in Cocos2D 2.x for iPhone 5 -568h@2x images.

The only iPhone 5 specific support that was added to cocos2D 2.1 concerns the addition of a Default-568h@2x.png image to the Xcode template. Read the ChangeLog for details.

On the other hand, it is also true that in UIKit too there is no support for "-568h@2x images", so I don't think that cocos2D is going to add one.

On a more conceptual level, I understand that the general approach to supporting iPhone 5 resolution is not at the bitmap level (i.e., providing differently scaled images), rather at the layout level (i.e., changing the disposition or sizes of non-image UI elements). (If you think about it, we already have to manage x1 and x2 images, both for iPhone and iPad: this means 4 different versions for each image; adding another dimension to this would be crazy.)

If your app really does need using scaled images, then I guess you are on your own both when using UIKit and when using cocos2D.

On the bright side, if you give a look at CCFileUtils.h you can easily change it so that it supports the -568h@2x. If you want a discussion of this, have a look at this blog post which describes an analogous change but for the iPad 3. It might help you in building your own solution.


You can change suffix in ccConfig.h file

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