
Can you explain to me:

  • What is a Predicate Delegate?
  • Where should we use predicates?
  • Any best practices when using predicates?

Descriptive source code will be appreciated.

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A predicate is a function that returns true or false. A predicate delegate is a reference to a predicate.

So basically a predicate delegate is a reference to a function that returns true or false. Predicates are very useful for filtering a list of values - here is an example.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        List<int> list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };

        Predicate<int> predicate = new Predicate<int>(greaterThanTwo);

        List<int> newList = list.FindAll(predicate);

    static bool greaterThanTwo(int arg)
        return arg > 2;

Now if you are using C# 3 you can use a lambda to represent the predicate in a cleaner fashion:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        List<int> list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };

        List<int> newList = list.FindAll(i => i > 2);


Leading on from Andrew's answer with regards to c#2 and c#3 ... you can also do them inline for a one off search function (see below).

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        List<int> list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };

        List<int> newList = list.FindAll(delegate(int arg)
                               return arg> 2;

Hope this helps.

Just a delegate that returns a boolean. It is used a lot in filtering lists but can be used wherever you'd like.

List<DateRangeClass>  myList = new List<DateRangeClass<GetSomeDateRangeArrayToPopulate);
myList.FindAll(x => (x.StartTime <= minDateToReturn && x.EndTime >= maxDateToReturn):

There's a good article on predicates here, although it's from the .NET2 era, so there's no mention of lambda expressions in there.

What is Predicate Delegate?

1) Predicate is a feature that returns true or false.This concept has come in .net 2.0 framework. 2) It is being used with lambda expression (=>). It takes generic type as an argument. 3) It allows a predicate function to be defined and passed as a parameter to another function. 4) It is a special case of a Func, in that it takes only a single parameter and always returns a bool.

In C# namespace:

namespace System
    public delegate bool Predicate<in T>(T obj);

It is defined in the System namespace.

Where should we use Predicate Delegate?

We should use Predicate Delegate in the following cases:

1) For searching items in a generic collection. e.g.

var employeeDetails = employees.Where(o=>o.employeeId == 1237).FirstOrDefault();

2) Basic example that shortens the code and returns true or false:

Predicate<int> isValueOne = x => x == 1;

now, Call above predicate:

Console.WriteLine(isValueOne.Invoke(1)); // -- returns true.

3) An anonymous method can also be assigned to a Predicate delegate type as below:

Predicate<string> isUpper = delegate(string s) { return s.Equals(s.ToUpper());};
    bool result = isUpper("Hello Chap!!");

Any best practices about predicates?

Use Func, Lambda Expressions and Delegates instead of Predicates.

The predicate-based searching methods allow a method delegate or lambda expression to decide whether a given element is a “match.” A predicate is simply a delegate accepting an object and returning true or false: public delegate bool Predicate (T object);

   static void Main()
            string[] names = { "Lukasz", "Darek", "Milosz" };
            string match1 = Array.Find(names, delegate(string name) { return name.Contains("L"); });
            string match2 = Array.Find(names, delegate(string name) { return name.Contains("L"); });
            string match3 = Array.Find(names, x => x.Contains("L"));

            Console.WriteLine(match1 + " " + match2 + " " + match3);     // Lukasz Lukasz Lukasz
        static bool ContainsL(string name) { return name.Contains("L"); }

If you're in VB 9 (VS2008), a predicate can be a complex function:

Dim list As New List(Of Integer)(New Integer() {1, 2, 3})
Dim newList = list.FindAll(AddressOf GreaterThanTwo)
Function GreaterThanTwo(ByVal item As Integer) As Boolean
    'do some work'
    Return item > 2
End Function

Or you can write your predicate as a lambda, as long as it's only one expression:

Dim list As New List(Of Integer)(New Integer() {1, 2, 3})
Dim newList = list.FindAll(Function(item) item > 2)

Predicate falls under the category of generic delegates in C#. This is called with one argument and always return boolean type. Basically, the predicate is used to test the condition - true/false. Many classes support predicate as an argument. For e.g. list.findall expects the parameter predicate. Here is an example of the predicate.

Imagine a function pointer with the signature -

bool delegate myDelegate(T match);

Here is the example


namespace PredicateExample
    class Node
        public string Ip_Address { get; set; }
        public string Node_Name { get; set; }
        public uint Node_Area { get; set; }

Main class -

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace PredicateExample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Predicate<Node> backboneArea = Node =>  Node.Node_Area == 0 ;
            List<Node> Nodes = new List<Node>();
            Nodes.Add(new Node { Ip_Address = "", Node_Area = 0, Node_Name = "Node1" });
            Nodes.Add(new Node { Ip_Address = "", Node_Area = 1, Node_Name = "Node2" });
            Nodes.Add(new Node { Ip_Address = "", Node_Area = 2, Node_Name = "Node3" });
            Nodes.Add(new Node { Ip_Address = "", Node_Area = 0, Node_Name = "Node4" });
            Nodes.Add(new Node { Ip_Address = "", Node_Area = 1, Node_Name = "Node5" });
            Nodes.Add(new Node { Ip_Address = "", Node_Area = 0, Node_Name = "Node6" });
            Nodes.Add(new Node { Ip_Address = "", Node_Area = 2, Node_Name = "Node7" });

            foreach( var item in Nodes.FindAll(backboneArea))
                Console.WriteLine("Node Name " + item.Node_Name + " Node IP Address " + item.Ip_Address);


A delegate defines a reference type that can be used to encapsulate a method with a specific signature. C# delegate Life cycle: The life cycle of C# delegate is

  • Declaration
  • Instantiation

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