
I need to store the link to the image, which user has chosen. The sources of the images are files, contact icons and resources' drawables (I need drawables since I provide different images for different resolutions/densities). For the purpose of unification I store it in URI, and consequently this URI may be pointing to a file (file://), to content provider or to resource (android.resource://...). Here is how the URI pointing to drawable with id=2130837534 looks like:


It works fine unless the ids in are regenerated. So, is there any way to prevent SDK from changing some of the ids values?

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No you can't, and shouldn't. If you can describe your problem clearly, there might be some other solution.

Save your resource names in a file, in this way.

icon_profile_1 icon_profile_2

And then when you need the resource ID, do this.

int resID = getResources().getIdentifier("icon_profile_1", "drawable","your_package_name");

Check here(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


As is auto-generated it can't be restricted from it's operation, because it will agin be auto-generated when your project is cleaned or compiled.

This is impossible In android because is Autogenrated and you cant do anything for that.

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