
Basically, I'm looking for a IsWindowMoving(HWND) Win32 API call. I need to know if the user is currently moving a window.

The window doesn't belong to me, so listening for WM_SYSCOMMAND / SC_MOVE or WM_MOVING isn't possible (I don't want to subclass or hook due to 32/64 interop).

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If the window doesn't belong to you and you're not going to snoop messages, the best you can I think is get hold of a handle to that window. That limits you to whatever informational function calls exist which work on a handle. I know of no such call which can inform the user that the window is being moved.

You may be out of luck.


If you don't want to hook, subclass, or anything else like that, I think polling might be the easiest way left. Using GetWindowRect you can track the previous and current position and size of a window. Doing a delta will let you detect if the user is moving (or even resizing) the window. Since you are dealing with UI, there is no need to poll too quickly (even 2-5 times a second should be plenty).

You can do this with GetGUIThreadInfo - no hooking needed. Use GetWindowThreadProcessId to get the TID for your hwnd then check the GUITHREADINFO.flags and GUITHREADINFO.hwndMoveSize to see if your window is in a move / size loop.

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