
I am trying to use split on a multiple selection dropdown menu and it is returning an error of: "Uncaught TypeError: Object f-all has no method 'split'". Is it not possible to use split on a multi select?

Here is the dropdown (simplified):

<select data-placeholder="Select" placeholder="Select" name="id[]" id="id_menu" multiple>
    <option value=""></option>
    <option value="e-all">E All</option>
    <option value="f-all">F All</option>

And here is the split function:

    var id_menu = $(this).val();
    var type = id_menu.split('-');
    // do stuff with split id

Tried with an each an still same error message

     $('#id_menu').each(function() {
         var type = $(this).val().split(',');

Thanks in advance.

Was it helpful?




       //typeof $(this).val() === 'Array'

        $.each($(this).val(), function(i, val){ 
            console.log(val); //handle each selected value



As you are using multiple attribute, val returns an array of selected values, that has no split method, you can use join method for converting the array to a string or loop through the array.

    var id_menu = $(this).val().join();
    // var id_menu = $(this).val();
    // for (var i = 0; i < id_menu.length; i++) {
    //      var sin = id_menu[i].split('-');
           // ..
    // }

id_menu is an array

$('#id_menu').change(function() {
  var id_menu = $(this).val();
  //id_menu is an array
  id_menu.forEach(function(item, index) {
    var split_item  = item.split('-');

To get the selected values, you could also do something like this:

 $('#id_menu').change(function (e) {

Here is a demo:

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