
Getting this error in sublime text, wondering what to do about it. Is there a way to completely uninstall any related files to ST2? I tried uninstalling it and re-installing it, but this error still persists. I imagine there are some temp files, or cached files that I need to remove, is there a way to clear those out?

Unable to run package setup:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/sublime-text-2/", line 165, in upgrade
    upgradePackage(pkg, pristinedir, datadir, backupdir)
  File "/usr/lib/sublime-text-2/", line 158, in upgradePackage
    os.path.join(backupdir, base), inhibitOverwrite)
  File "/usr/lib/sublime-text-2/", line 90, in upgradeArchive
  File ".\", line 834, in read
  File ".\", line 857, in open
  File ".\", line 824, in getinfo
KeyError: "There is no item named u'nathos-sass-textmate-bundle-0e46064/Snippets/expression(\\u2026).tmSnippet' in the archive"
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On Ubuntu:-

I found this is a permission issue. Just change the permission to 777

sudo chmod 777 -R /home/user/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/[package name]



sudo sublime 

for the first time

On Ubuntu:

I tried Achu solution but it didn't work. My Sublime Text 2 started working after I changed the files owner to my user. You have to open Terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and type:

sudo chown -R [your user name here] /home/[your user name here]/.config/sublime-text-2/

So, for example, if your user is "john" you have to type:

sudo chown -R john /home/john/.config/sublime-text-2/

Hope this helps.

Similar to Victor's answer, but more specific, I deleted the single file C:\Users\(Username)\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\ Installed Packages\Sass.sublime-package and then Sublime Text 2 started up fine.

The last line says:

KeyError: "There is no item named u'nathos-sass-textmate-bundle-0e46064/Snippets/expression(\\u2026).tmSnippet' in the archive"

So search for that object recursively in files in the sublime text user data directory:

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/
grep -r  nathos-sass-textmate-bundle-d6d079e *
#Result# Binary file Installed Packages/Sass.sublime-package matches

Then delete the offending file:

rm -rf Installed\ Packages/Sass.sublime-package

I deleted some erronous packages which solved my problem. Steps to do it here:

Update after comment below:

This is due to a corrupt install of a package. On OSX, goto: /Users/YOU_USER_NAME/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Installed Packages/. Remove the package you tried to install and it should work again.

I managed to find all related files to this bundle and deleted them manually. I've noticed that if I miss a package from somewhere ST2 recreates some folders based on packages related to it, so it's not enough to delete some folders, you have to really find all related data and delete it.

sudo sublime-text

This works for me.

Simply reverting Sublime Text to a freshly installed state resolved this issue.

Sublime Text 2 can be reverted to a freshly installed state by removing your data folder. Depending on your operating system, this folder is located:

  • OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 2
  • Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-2

To revert to a frestly installed state on Ubuntu 13.10, you can:

  1. Exit Sublime Text 2
  2. Delete (or move) the data folder, so running sudo rm -rf ~/.config/sublime-text-2
  3. Start Sublime Text 2

Hope this helps.

There's already an answer related to permissions for Linux, but I found the issue was related to permissions for a Windows install. I placed the install for portable files into "Program Files/SublimeText2" - apparently when I run ST2 it needs additional permissions which it wasn't getting.

So I installed ST2 portable to a folder in a user directory (e.g. A folder my user created and maintains - C:\dev\SublimeText2) and everything works fine now.

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