
I am using ligatures.js to replace text within my site with the ligature of some character combinations. For instance, the 'fi' in 'five'.

Here is my example:

When you run it, you can select the output text and see that the 'fi' in 'five' has become one character as intended. If you copy the link address and paste it, you will see that the href portion has been replaced as well:


This is unintended and breaks the link. How can I make the replacement on JUST the text of the link but not the href portion? I've tried using .text() and .not() with no luck. Thanks in advance.

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I think you can solve it using the appropiate jQuery selectors

$('h3 a, h3:not(:has(a))')
  .ligature('ffi', 'ffi')
  .ligature('ffl', 'ffl')
  .ligature('ff', 'ff')
  .ligature('fi', 'fi')
  .ligature('fl', 'fl');



You are applying the function to the whole heading's innerHTML, which includes the anchor's href attribute. This should work for your fiddle example:

$('h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a').ligature( //...

However, it will only work on links inside the headings, and I'm not sure that's what you're looking for. If you want something that works for any contents inside a certain element (with any level of tag nesting), then you'll need a recursive approach. Here is an idea, which is basically plain JavaScript since jQuery does not provide a way to target DOM text nodes:

$.fn.ligature = function(str, lig) {
    return this.each(function() {
        recursiveLigatures(this, lig);

    function recursiveLigatures(el, lig) {
        if(el.childNodes.length) {
            for(var i=0, len=el.childNodes.length; i<len; i++) {
                if(el.childNodes[i].childNodes.length > 0) {
                    recursiveLigatures(el.childNodes[i], lig);
                } else {
                    el.childNodes[i].nodeValue = htmlDecode(el.childNodes[i].nodeValue.replace(new RegExp(str, 'g'), lig));
        } else {
            el.nodeValue = htmlDecode(el.nodeValue.replace(new RegExp(str, 'g'), lig));

    function htmlDecode(input){
      var e = document.createElement('div');
      e.innerHTML = input;
      return e.childNodes.length === 0 ? "" : e.childNodes[0].nodeValue;

// call this from the document.ready handler
    $('h3').ligature('ffi', '&#xfb03;')
           .ligature('ffl', '&#xfb04;')
           .ligature('ff', '&#xfb00;')
           .ligature('fi', '&#xfb01;')
           .ligature('fl', '&#xfb02;');

That should work on contents like this:

    mixed ffi content 
    <span>this is another tag ffi <span>(and this is nested ffi</span></span>
    <a href="/news/here-is-a-url-with-ffi-ligature">Here is a ffi ligature</a>

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