
I am trying to use the NicEdit editor for a textarea hidden in a div. When the user clicks a button, the targeted textarea's parent div is revealed. The width of the textarea is set to 100% of the parent div. The problem is that the parent div is hidden so the textrea has no width before the parent div is revealed. If I try to attach the NicEdit editor at the same time as revealing it's parent div, the editor appears tiny.

<script type="text/javascript">

function add_task_editor() {
        new nicEditor({buttonList : ['fontSize','bold','italic','underline','strikeThrough','subscript','superscript','ul','link']}).panelInstance('task_description');

$('#trigger_it').click(function (e) {

<div id="parent_div" style="display: none;">
<textarea id="task_description"></textarea>

Is there a way to fix this so that the editor's width is set to 100% of the parent div after it is loaded?

Was it helpful?


Of course, basically after the editor is created, inspect it to find it's ID or a class it has, and set it's width $('#editorsID').width('100%'); for example.

Or maybe find it's parent div's width in pixels and set it to that.


In my case this worked with jquery:

new nicEditor().panelInstance('myArea');


Or to absolute witdh:


The answer by @Hans worked with me ... But I needed to add this as well to resize the div containing the text being edited (only the container around that div was being resized when not using the line below):


Add "-2" to "width" if parent of textarea has prop "padding-left" or "padding-right".

This worked best for me:

new nicEditor().panelInstance('nic-me');

This solve my case! Thanks

        bkLib.onDomLoaded(function() {
        new nicEditor({fullPanel : true, maxHeight:100}).panelInstance('myArea');

for those who have the same problem, I optimized that and it looks completely normal:

    bkLib.onDomLoaded(function() {
        new nicEditor({fullPanel : true}).panelInstance('myArea');
        $('.nicEdit-panelContain').parent().css({width:'100%', padding:"0"});
        $('.nicEdit-panelContain').parent().next().css({width:'100%', padding:"5px"});
        $('.nicEdit-main').css({width:'100%', padding:"0", minHeight:"80px"});
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