
Play 2.0's Build.sbt uses a pimped Project definition to do its magic; any additional settings you might need to add must be manually entered in k := v fashion. Works fine for the general case, but not for the specific; namely, when needing to set an sbt-plugin's settings which invariably are Seq[Settings[_]]. Here's an example of what predictably works

lazy val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, ....).settings(
  version := appVersion

Now, how to get Seq[Settings[_]] converted to k,v pairs so the Play by-name call:

def apply(...., ...., settings: => Seq[Setting[_]])

actually works?!!

I've asked over on play-user, but good luck, a zoo over there, framework is taking off and core devs are clearly up to their ears...

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Does this work?

….settings(mySeqOfSettings: _*)


I hit the same problem with play framework and sbt-buildinfo plugin. After a lot of trial and error, I ended up preferring applying the settings twice in a row. I felt like it looked more obvious what was happening in Build.scala:

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