
I have the following style for my footers in my css file:

#footer { 
    text-align: center;
    font-size: .7em;

This is the html for the footer part:

<div id="footer">
   <br> //google ad
   <A HREF="">Blog</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A     
   HREF="">Autos Usados</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A 
   HREF="http://www.site2">Videos Chistosos</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A 
   HREF="http:/">Fotos de Chavas</A><br>
   Derechos Reservados &copy; 2008-<?=date('Y')?> address<br>

But for some reason some of the links show underlined.

Any ideas how I can make it so the links do not appear underlined?


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you can try

#footer a { text-decoration: none }

that means all <a> tags within the element with id footer will have no underline.



#footer a{ 
   text-decoration: none;

Apply the following style:

a, a:link, a:visited, a:hover
    text-decoration: none;

I've intentionally given you complete coverage of all the states that an <a> tag can have, but you very well may be able to get away with the following as well:

    text-decoration: none;

Finally, if you only want this applied to the footer:

#footer a, #footer a:link, #footer a:visited, #footer a:hover
    text-decoration: none;

Not a direct answer to your question, but I'd highly recommend installing Firebug in Firefox as it allows you to see what classes are applied and it what order - essentially helping you to debug your CSS.

Add the following line to your stylesheet:

a {text-decoration:none;}
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