
Google and FB correctly support "state" parameter for oauth. How about Yahoo ?

How to pass custom data across requests in Yahoo oauth process ?

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The Yahoo OAuth2 implementation supports the parameter state. You can attach it within the main request. This is a basic php-example:'.$client_id.'&redirect_uri='.$redirect_uri.'&response_type=code&state='.$state


Like Jan said, Yahoo is OAuth 1... and doesn't require a state parameter.

You'll notice that Google and FB require that each callback URL be explicitly defined/registered with Google/FB. If you want to deviate from those URLs... you need to use the state parameter.

Yahoo only requires that you register the host/domain of your call back URL.. the rest is completely variable and may contain any parameter you'd like

Google and Facebook implement OAuth 2, that requires the provider to support the state parameter. OAuth 1, that is implemented by Yahoo, does not have such a parameter.

You could e.g. store a cookie in the user's browser to save state.

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