
I expect to have at least 183 items in my list when I query it, but sometimes the result from my extract results in items count lower than 183. My current fix supposedly pads the array in the case that the count is less than 183.

if (extractArray.Count() < 183) {
    int arraysize= extractArray.Count();
    var tempArr = new String[183 - arraysize];
    List<string> itemsList = extractArray.ToList<string>();
    var values = itemsList.ToArray();
    //-- Process the new array that is now at least 183 in length

But it seems my solution is not the best. I would appreciate any other solutions that could help ensure I get at least 183 items whenever the extract happens please.

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The Array base class implements the Resize method

if(extractArray.Length < 183)
    Array.Resize<string>(ref extractArray, 183);

However, keep in mind that resizing is problematic for performance, thus this method is useful only if you require the array for some reason. If you can switch to a List

And, I suppose you have an unidimensional array of strings here, so I use the Length property to check the effective number of items in the array.


I'd probably follow others' suggestions, and use a list. Use the "capacity" constructor for added performance:

var list = new List<string>(183);

Then, whenever you get a new array, do this (replace " " with whatever value you use to pad the array):

// logically, you can do this without the if, but it saves an object allocation when the array is full
if (array.Length < 183)
    list.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(" ", 183 - array.Length));

This way, the list is always reusing the same internal array, reducing allocations and GC pressure.

Or, you could use an extension method:

public static class ArrayExtensions
    public static T ElementOrDefault<T>(this T[] array, int index)
        return ElementOrDefault(array, index, default(T));
    public static T ElementOrDefault<T>(this T[] array, int index, T defaultValue)
        return index < array.Length ? array[index] : defaultValue;

Then code like this:

items.Zero = array[0];
items.One = array[1];

Becomes this:

items.Zero = array.ElementOrDefault(0);
items.One = array.ElementOrDefault(1);

Finally, this is the rather cumbersome idea with which I started writing this answer: You could wrap the array in an IList implementation that's guaranteed to have 183 indexes (I've omitted most of the interface member implementations for brevity):

class ConstantSizeReadOnlyArrayWrapper<T> : IList<T>
    private readonly T[] _array;
    private readonly int _constantSize;
    private readonly T _padValue;

    public ConstantSizeReadOnlyArrayWrapper(T[] array, int constantSize, T padValue)
         //parameter validation omitted for brevity
        _array = array;
        _constantSize = constantSize;
        _padValue = padValue;

    private int MissingItemCount
        get { return _constantSize - _array.Length; }

    public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
        //maybe you don't need to implement this, or maybe just returning _array.GetEnumerator() would suffice.
        return _array.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(_padValue, MissingItemCount)).GetEnumerator();

    public int Count
        get { return _constantSize; }

    public bool IsReadOnly
        get { return true; }

    public int IndexOf(T item)
        var arrayIndex = Array.IndexOf(_array, item);
        if (arrayIndex < 0 && item.Equals(_padValue))
            return _array.Length;
        return arrayIndex;

    public T this[int index]
            if (index < 0 || index >= _constantSize)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
            return index < _array.Length ? _array[index] : _padValue;
        set { throw new NotSupportedException(); }


Since you've stated that you need to ensure there's 183 indexes, and that you need to pad it if there is not, I would suggest using a List instead of an array. You can do something like:

while (extractList.Count < 183)
     extractList.Add(" "); // just add a space

If you ABSOLUTELY have to go back to an array you can using something similar.

I can't say that I would recommend this solution, but I won't let that stop me from posting it! Whether they like to admit it or not, everyone likes linq solutions!

Using linq, given an array with X elements in it, you can generate an array with exactly Y (183 in your case) elements in it like this:

  var items183exactly = extractArray.Length == 183 ? extractArray :
                                    .Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(string.Empty, Math.Max(0, 183 - extractArray.Length)))

If there are fewer than 183 elements, the array will be padded with empty strings. If there are more than 183 elements, the array will be truncated. If there are exactly 183 elements, the array is used as is.

I don't claim that this is efficient or that it is necessarily a good idea. However, it does use linq (yippee!) and it is fun.

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