
I'm bringing in all of my images via Ajax, and I'm looking for a quick fix for the front-end of this project. I've tried a couple of jQuery lightbox plugins, but I can't seem to get them to perform in a live function (correct me if I'm wrong in thinking I need to do this).

Currently attempting to use Balupton's Lightbox Plugin (can't link because of my being a new user), and after trying all of the examples to no avail, I've attempted it with this (also not working):

$('a.lightbox-gallery').live('click', function(){

Any help is much appreciated!

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1) you can hack the lightbox plugin to bind on live events 2) you can call lightbox after ajax is completed, only on new elements:

    type: "POST",
    url: "url.php",
    cache: false,
    success: function(data){

For settings you can use an array to avoid writting same thing twice ;)


You can use colorbox and jquery's live function like this

$('a[rel=gallery]').live('click', function() {
  url = this.href; // this is the url of the element event is triggered from
  $.colorbox({href: url});
  return false;

You can also take a look at the livequery jquery plugin not so bad plugin ;) you can embed that plugin inside your jquery file and use that as a simple jquery function:


//do somenthing

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