
First, a non-programming question: My phone is auto-responding to missed calls with a text message: "Sorry. I'm not near my phone right now." Where did my phone get the idea to do that and how do I make it stop?

And a programming question: How can I make my Android do arbitrary things in response to a missed call, such as email me the phone number, or just customize the SMS auto-response, perhaps replying with my location.

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The answer to your programming question:

Setup an IntentListener for incoming calls. If it's not answered, have your application process it accordingly!


I figured out that I had installed an Android Market app called dgAway that does SMS auto-responses. I had never run that app nor checked the "auto-respond to missed calls" box, but it seems that may have been what was doing the auto-responses. I tried uninstalling it and the auto-responses seem to have stopped.

ADDED: I found a really nice Android app, DroidTracker, that will (for approved contacts) auto-reply with your location when the contact texts you a phrase of your choosing (eg, "where are you?" or "ping"). You can also set a less guessable phrase (default is "I want my phone back") that will cause your phone to auto-respond to anyone, approved or not. That way if your phone is lost or stolen you can ask your phone where it is.

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