
I'm trying to get the list item number in the onTouch method. That is how i do it:

ListView myList;

myList.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {

                public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
                    doSomething(myList, event);
                    return false;

private void doSomething(ListView myList, MotionEvent event) {

    if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {                                         
        int first = myList.getFirstVisiblePosition();
        int last = myList.getLastVisiblePosition();
        int itemHeight = myList.getHeight() / (last - first + 1) + myList.getDividerHeight();
        int position = (int)event.getY() / itemHeight;
        View child = myList.getChildAt(position);


It seems to be not correct, because sometimes I get wrong position. How can i fix it?

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Why don't you set an onTouchListener for the ListView items instead?

If you're using a custom adapter for your ListView, make it implement OnTouchListener and set setOnTouchListener(this) on your ListView items in the getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)-method.

If you're trying to manipulate the ListView-items, that should do the trick.

If you're just trying to get the position, use convertView.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() { ... read position and do something ... } ); in getView(...).


If you're just trying to change backgroundcolor/textcolor (imageview content), you can use statelist-drawables.

For changing textcolor onItemCLick, see this question and answer and set the drawable you created as a textColor for your TextView. For the listitem's backgroundcolor, create a custom listselector (more info, see this question). You can also change the ImageView's content in the same way: create a StateListDrawable and set it as the ImageView's source.


you should use an AdapterView.OnItemClickListener and set it with setOnItemClickListener (AdapterView.OnItemClickListener listener) method. It has an onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View view, int position, long id) method and the position variable will be the number of the row in the listview

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