
So I have a little Linux problem, geez that will teach me to spend so many years on Windows. Anyway I did a little java app, wrapped nicely with the Java Service Wrapper script, but when I run that script:

sh ./ console

I get permission denied right away. The permission denied message is like that:

eval: 1: /home/user1/MyApp/bin/wrapper: Permission denied

My little lives in the MyApp/bin folder. The directory MyApp/bin/wrapper contains 2 files:

  • wrapper-linux-x86-32
  • wrapper-linux-x86-64

As a test I ran the following chmod command:

chmod a=rwx MyApp -R

I verified that everything was rwx, even in the sub-folders and tried to run the script again, with the exact same result... permission denied.

Anyone has any idea of what I could try next to make that baby run?

Thanks, Lancelot

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I just noticed the error message references the name of the directory hosting your file:

eval: 1: /home/user1/MyApp/bin/wrapper: Permission denied

We know it's a directory since you mentioned "The directory MyApp/bin/wrapper contains 2 files".

Could you check your script for instance where you're using the name of the directory as a command? Such as using wrapper (which is the directory name) instead of wrapper/wrapper-linux-x86-32 (which would be a file name), or similar errors?

Similar errors often appear when using spaces in filenames and forgetting to quote said filenames (probably not the case here, though.)

Failing that, could you edit your question to include the contents of the wrapper script you're calling?

(New answer since it's completely unrelated to the previous noexec idea, and that one can stay for reference.)


The file system hosting your script might be mounted with the noexec flag. Check your /etc/fstab entry for that file system and if there's a noexec there try removing it then remounting that file system via mount /path/to/mountpoint -o remount

On second thought, check the output of the mount command for noexec instances instead of /etc/fstab (the file system might have been mounted dynamically.)

you may have to also grant execution script to your wrapper

chmod +x

EDIT: i just noticed that your is located in your MyApp folder /EDIT

also, if u make sure you have


at the top of your .sh file, you can execute it like this:

First, try opening it in a text editor, to make sure you have read access. If so, do

chmod +x

And make sure you have #!/bin/sh at the beginning of the script

You may try to execute the file that was there in other user's home directory, you can give permission to the user "user"

chmod -R a+x /home/user1 or chmod -R o+x /home/user1 chmod -R g+x /home/user1

Although my problem was a bit different this question appeared in my search few times while searching for similar problem so I'll post my findings here.

My problem was that I couldn't access storage/ folder after chmod command.

After executing command:

sudo chmod -755 storage -R    //notice -755 is wrong, it should be 755

I couldn't access storage/ folder any more.

I've tried ls -l:

storage permissions d---------

Also after git status:

storage/.gitignore: Permission denied

After executing the right command:

sudo chmod 755 storage -R // without -

everything returned back to normal.

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