
I have a listbox defined in XAML as:

<ListBox x:Name="directoryList"
                 ItemsSource="{Binding Path=SelectedDirectories}"/>

The SelectedDirectories is a property on the lists DataContext of type List<DirectoryInfo>

The class which is the datacontext for the listbox implements INotifyPropertyChanged. When the collection changes the items are added successfully to the list however the display does not update until I force the listbox to redraw by resizing it.

Any ideas why?

EDIT: INotifyPropertyChanged implementation

public class FileScannerPresenter : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
        private FileScanner _FileScanner;

        public FileScannerPresenter()
            this._FileScanner = new FileScanner();

        public List<DirectoryInfo> SelectedDirectories
                return _FileScanner.Directories;

        public void AddDirectory(string path)

        public void OnPropertyChanged(string property)
            if (this.PropertyChanged != null)
                PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(property));
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instead - you're triggering a refresh of the entire ListBox for no reason, and you don't need to make your hosting class implement INotifyPropertyChanged - it could easily just be a property of the window. The key is to never set the property to a new instance. So:

class SomeWindow : Window {
    public ObservableCollection<DirectoryInfo> SelectedDirectories {get; private set;}

    SomeWindow() { SelectedDirectories = new ObservableCollection<DirectoryInfo>(); }

    public void AddDirectory(string path) {
        SelectedDirectories.Add(new DirectoryInfo(path));

If you end up using that FileScanner class, you need to implement INotifyCollectionChanged instead - that way, the ListBox knows what to add/remove dynamically.


(See Update below). WPF seems to be working alright. I put your code into a new project. The listbox updates whenever I click the button to invoke AddDirectory. You should not need any more code changes. The problem seems to be something else.. Are there multiple threads in your UI?

I didnt have the FileScanner type. So I created a dummy as follows.

public class FileScanner
      string _path;
      public FileScanner()
      {     _path = @"c:\";      }
      public List<DirectoryInfo> Directories
            return Directory.GetDirectories(_path).Select(path => new DirectoryInfo(path)).ToList();

      internal void AddDirectory(string path)
      {         _path = path;      }

No changes to your FileScannerPresenter class. Or your listbox XAML. I created a Window with a DockPanel containing your listbox, a textbox and a button.

Update: Paul Betts is right. It works because I return a new list each time from the Bound property. Data binding with lists always messes me up. With more tinkering, the easy way to do this is:

  • Make FileScanner#Directories return an ObservableCollection<DirectoryInfo> (which implements INotifyCollectionChanged for you). Change all signatures all the way up to return this type instead of a List<DirectoryInfo>
  • FileScanner and FileScannerPresenter themselves do not have to implement any INotifyXXX interface.

    //  in FileScanner class def         
      public ObservableCollection<DirectoryInfo> Directories
         {  return _DirList;  }
      internal void AddDirectory(string path)
         _path = path;
         //var newItems = Directory.GetDirectories(_path).Select(thePath => new DirectoryInfo(thePath)).ToList();
         //_DirList.Concat( newItems );  -- doesn't work for some reason.
         foreach (var info in Directory.GetDirectories(_path).Select(thePath => new DirectoryInfo(thePath)).ToList())
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