
I had created a dropdown list with fields lab,pharmacy and food.When

1.I select the lab it has to send the mail for those islab checkbox is true.

2.when I select the pharmacy it has to send the mail for those ispharmacy checkbox is true and in the same way for food.

I have tried for islab but I could not add for rest of them. Please help me.


   $connectionresource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
   $readconnection = $connectionresource->getConnection('core_read');  
     $allrecord = $readconnection->select()->from(array('serviceprovider'=>'mg_serviceprovider'))->where('serviceprovider.islab=?', '1' 
       $alldata =$readconnection->fetchAll($allrecord);
     foreach($alldata as $data)

     function sendMailserviceAction($email,$pname){


<p><h2>Requisition Details:</h2> </p>
<p>Bloodgroup: '.$bloodgroup.'</p>
 <p>Units Required:'.$unitsrequired.'</p>
 <p>Required By:'. $requireddate.'</p>
 <p>City: '.$rcity.'</p>

 <p><h2>Seeker Details:</h2></p>

 <p>Name: '.$name.'</p>
 <p>Email : '.$cemail.'</p>
 <p>Mobile Number: '.$mobile.'</p>
 <p>City: '.$city.'</p>


 $mail = Mage::getModel('core/email');
 $mail->setSubject('Blood Donor');
$mail->setType('html');// YOu can use Html or text as Mail format

   try {
  //Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->addSuccess('Your Order is successfully Completed');
//return '<h2>Your Order has been submitted. Thank you for using labwise.   </h2>';
 catch (Exception $e) {
  //Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->addError('Unable to send.');
 // return '</h2>Unable to submit.</h2>'; 
 echo sendMailserviceAction();

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use this query for or condition..

 $connectionresource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
       $readconnection = $connectionresource->getConnection('core_read');  
       $query="SELECT *
      FROM mg_serviceprovider  where islab='1' or ispharmacy='1'";
  $alldata =$readconnection->fetchAll($query);

         foreach($alldata as $data)
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