
I'm working on automatically deploying to a remote JBoss AS 7.1.1 server from a Jenkins build server as part of a build pipeline and have a small jar file that I call from ant (based on this).

My question is how do I find out if an application is already installed? Doing a deploy plan will fail if the application is already deployed(I could catch the exception that's thrown but that's not great).

Was it helpful?


You can read the resource before doing the deploy. From there you can either redploy it or do nothing.

Here is an example that would work on a standalone server.

private boolean exists(final ModelControllerClient client, final String deploymentName) {
    final ModelNode op = new ModelNode();
    final ModelNode result;
    try {
        result = client.execute(op);
        // Check to make sure there is an outcome
        if (result.hasDefined(ClientConstants.OUTCOME)) {
            if (result.get(ClientConstants.OUTCOME).asString().equals(ClientConstants.SUCCESS)) {
                final List<ModelNode> deployments = (result.hasDefined(ClientConstants.RESULT) ? result.get(ClientConstants.RESULT).asList() : Collections.<ModelNode>emptyList());
                for (ModelNode n : deployments) {
                    if (n.asString().equals(deploymentName)) {
                        return true;
            } else if (result.get(ClientConstants.OUTCOME).asString().equals(ClientConstants.FAILED)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("A failure occurred when checking existing deployments. Error: %s",
                        (result.hasDefined(ClientConstants.FAILURE_DESCRIPTION) ? result.get(ClientConstants.FAILURE_DESCRIPTION).asString() : "Unknown")));
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("An unexpected response was found checking the deployment. Result: %s", result));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Could not execute operation '%s'", op), e);
    return false;

If you're using maven, there is a maven plugin you could use too.


An alternative:

ModelNode res = AS7CliUtils.executeRequest("/deployment=* /:read-resource", ctx.getAS7Client() );

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => [{
        "address" => [("deployment" => "jboss-as-wicket-ear-ear.ear")],
        "outcome" => "success",
        "result" => {
            "content" => [{"hash" => bytes { ... }}],
            "enabled" => true,
            "name" => "jboss-as-wicket-ear-ear.ear",
            "persistent" => true,
            "runtime-name" => "jboss-as-wicket-ear-ear.ear",
            "subdeployment" => {
                "jboss-as-wicket-ear-ejb.jar" => undefined,
                "jboss-as-wicket-ear-war.war" => undefined
            "subsystem" => {"datasources" => undefined}

JBoss AS CLI client lib contains some API for that, can't find it right now.

This is a primitive implementation of query parsing (doesn't support nested values and doesn't care about escaping etc.).

 *  Parse CLI command into a ModelNode - /foo=a/bar=b/:operation(param=value,...) .
 *  TODO: Support nested params.
public static ModelNode parseCommand( String command ) {
   return parseCommand( command, true );
public static ModelNode parseCommand( String command, boolean needOp ) {
    String[] parts = StringUtils.split( command, ':' );
    if( needOp && parts.length < 2 )  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing CLI command operation: " + command);
    String addr = parts[0];

    ModelNode query = new ModelNode();

    // Addr
    String[] partsAddr = StringUtils.split( addr, '/' );
    for( String segment : partsAddr ) {
        String[] partsSegment = StringUtils.split( segment, "=", 2);
        if( partsSegment.length != 2 )  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong addr segment format - need '=': " + command);
        query.get(ClientConstants.OP_ADDR).add( partsSegment[0], partsSegment[1] );

    // No op?
    if( parts.length < 2 )  return query;

    // Op
    String[] partsOp = StringUtils.split( parts[1], '(' );
    String opName = partsOp[0];

    // Op args
    if( partsOp.length > 1 ){
        String args = StringUtils.removeEnd( partsOp[1], ")" );
        for( String arg : args.split(",") ) {
            String[] partsArg = arg.split("=", 2);
            query.get(partsArg[0]).set( unquote( partsArg[1] ) );
    return query;
}// parseCommand()
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