
I'm a recent git convert. It's great to be able to use git-svn to keep my branches locally without disturbing the svn server. There was a bug that existed in the latest version of the code. I wanted to establish a time when it worked so that I could use git bisect. I couldn't find the right command to move back in time. Thanks.

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git checkout HEAD~1

This will move your current HEAD to one revision earlier.

git checkout <sha>

This will move your current HEAD to the given revision. Use git log or gitk to find the revision you’re looking for.


And getting back to latest (equivalent to: svn up), you'll need to update the branch, usually:

git checkout master

This is because the HEAD refers to the version that is being checked out.

git pull 

seems a more appropriate command for what you are looking for

This seems to do what I wanted, which is what I think you're asking for too

git checkout *

If you are using TortoiseGit then

Right Click in project folder > TortoiseGit > Pull
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