Assetic AssetFactory::createAsset(array $input, …) - $input doesn't accept \Assetic\Asset\* elements


  •  16-12-2019
  •  | 


I have a couple of methods which combine many CSS assets to one, minify them and dump them (cached) to a generated filename like "/assetic/6bad22c.css". I achieve this by making use of the following:

Currently I use AssetFactory

private static function getCssAssetFactory()
    $fm = new FilterManager();

    $fm->set('less', new Filter\LessphpFilter());
    $fm->set('import', new Filter\CssImportFilter());
    $fm->set('rewrite', new Filter\CssRewriteFilter());
    $fm->set('min', new Filter\CssMinFilter());

    $factory = new AssetFactory(self::getAssetBuildPath());

    return $factory;

and create an Asset via

public static function dumpStylesheets()
    $asset = self::getCssAssetFactory()->createAsset
    (   self::$stylesheets
    ,   array
        (   'less' // Less CSS Compiler
        ,   'import' // Solves @imports
        ,   'rewrite' // Rewrites Base URLs when moving to another URL
        ,   'min' // Minifies the script
    ,   array('output' => 'assetic/*.css')
    $cache = self::getAssetCache($asset);
    return self::basePath().'/'.$asset->getTargetPath();

Here are the referenced methods:

private static function getAssetWriter()
    if (is_null(self::$AssetWriter))
        self::$AssetWriter = new AssetWriter(self::getAssetBuildPath());
    return self::$AssetWriter;

private static function getAssetCache($asset)
    return new AssetCache
    (   $asset
    ,   new FilesystemCache(self::getAssetBuildPath().'/cache')

No magic here so far. My problem is, that the self::$stylesheets array, by definition, just contains path-strings to the assets. But I need to use real Assetic Assets like this way:

self::$stylesheets = array
( new Asset\FileAsset('path/to/style.css')
, new Asset\StringAsset('.some-class {text-decoration: none;}');
, new Asset\HttpAsset('http://domain.tld/assets/style.css');

But AssetFactory::createAsset() doesn't accept its own Assets. I need the possibility to use StringAsset because I have to change some values in CSS / JS, serverside.

Is there another way to achieve this other than using AssetFactory::createAsset()?

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It looks like you may be able to essentially reproduce the inner workings of the createAsset method, short circuiting the parts that are giving you problems:

$asset = new AssetCollection(self::$stylesheets);

$filters = array
    (   'less' // Less CSS Compiler
    ,   'import' // Solves @imports
    ,   'rewrite' // Rewrites Base URLs when moving to another URL
    ,   'min' // Minifies the script

$options = array('output' => 'assetic/*.css');

foreach ($filters as $filter) {
    if ('?' != $filter[0]) {
    } elseif (!$options['debug']) {
        $asset->ensureFilter(self::getCssAssetFactory()->getFilterManager()->get(substr($filter, 1)));

$asset->setTargetPath(str_replace('*', self::getCssAssetFactory()->generateAssetName(self::$stylesheets, $filters, $options), $options['output']));

... all of that should adequately replace your call to createAsset(). If you have any workers that you've added to the assetFactory, then you'll need to implement that as well.

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