
I can't figure out why the code below is not filtering just the values with unique_id of "027". I've tried it as a string as well '027'...

JSON file:

    "title":"How Speed Relates to Energy",

Here my controller:

var abApp = angular.module('abApp', []);

abApp.factory('abData', function($http, $q) {
var deffered = $q.defer();
var data = [];
var abData = {};

abData.async = function() {
        .success(function(ab) {
            data = ab;
    return deffered.promise;
}; = function() {
    return data;
return abData;

abApp.controller("abEE", function(abData, $scope) {
    var abApp = this;
    abData.async().then(function(ab) {
        abApp.alignments =;


Here's my HTML:

<div ng-controller="abEE as ee">
        <li ng-repeat="align in ee.alignments | filter:{unique_id : 027} ">
            {{align.unique_id}} - {{align.state}}, {{align.state_id}}
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you need to correct your html markup like this, as in your JSON unique_id is a string:

<div ng-controller="abEE as ee">
    <li ng-repeat="align in ee.alignments | filter:{unique_id : '027'} ">
        {{align.unique_id}} - {{align.state}}, {{align.state_id}}

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