
<input type="text" ng-model="user.User.DateOfBirth"> is in my view. user.User.DateOfBirth is currently in YYYYMMDD format, but I want it to show as mm/dd/yyyy format in the view. Is it possible to convert this just for the display?

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For outputting the data in the correct format try filters (in your case the date filter:

Well, for inputs that's another case. I guess you could always bind that input to another property, watch that and parse it yourself and then assign it to your real model...

Some more insight, you could try something like this:


<input type="text" ng-model="myDateInput">

In your JS controller use the following:

$scope.$watch('myDateInput', function (newValue) {
    $scope.user.User.DateOfBirth = $filter('date')(newValue, 'yyyy-MM-dd'); // Or whatever format your real model should use

$scope.$watch('user.User.DateOfBirth', function (newValue) {
    $scope.myDateInput = $filter('date')(newValue, 'yyyy-MM-dd'); // Or whatever format your input should use

It would probably be better though to force the user to use a certain input format, either by some sort of pattern matching (and therefore validation) or by some sort of special date input/widget.


This also may help you

    return function(input){
           if(input.length >= 8){
                input = input.slice(0,8);

                input = input.slice(4,6) + '/' + input.slice(6,8) + '/' + input.slice(0,4);
        return input;
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