
I wanted my users to be allowed to insert emojis into a text box. I have searched for a JQuery plugin, which would allow me to give them a picker like the Mac, iOS or Webogram integrated Emojipicker. But I couldn't find a proper one, which sorted all icons and displayed them?

Is there any possibility to do this?

Mac Emojipicker:

enter image description here

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After the first time I asked this question, I only got down votes. So I thought, probably there isn't any other plugin out there and I developed my own based on Emojiarea (which also Webogram uses). Because I didn't copy the code from Webogram, I didn't sort the icons yet but my solution works how I excepted it.

The custom plugin can be found on my Github Account

I hope this helps others with a similar problem and takes away some work.


Thanks for your work @JSHelp.

I've found another one here:

Example usage:

Initialize the jQuery Emoji Picker by calling emojiPicker on an input element (...):

  height: '300px',
  width: '450px'

I've found another one i.e angular-emoji-popup plugins that you can encode and decode emoticons and pick emoji from popup. This plugins helpful for those who want to show emoji on webpage. you can download this plugins from github:-

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