
Is there a way to update multiple rows of data when the data coming in is from the result of a CFQuery? Currently this run <cfquery> multiple times. Is there a way to do it in one uqery operation?

<cfloop query=loc.fixItems>
    <cfset loc.count++>
    <cfset var categoryName = loc.fixItems.categoryName>

      update items
      set code = <cfqueryparam value="#code#">
      where id = <cfqueryparam value="#itemId#">

This can run multiple times and put a heavy load on the server.

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Solution 2

Load data into an XML variable and update in bulk

<cfsavecontent variables="xmlData">
<ul class="xoxo">
   <cfoutput query="loc.fixItems">
     <li><b>#xmlformat(id)#</b> <code>#code#</code></li>


 DECLARE @xmlData xml = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_varchar" value="#xmlData#">

 WITH Data (id, code) AS (
    SELECT  tbl.Col.value('b[1]','varchar(20)') AS ID,
    tbl.Col.value('code[1]','varchar(50)') AS Code
    FROM    @xmlData.nodes('/ul/li') tbl(Col)

 UPDATE items
   SET items.code = Data.code
 FROM items
   ON =    


You should be able to put your loop inside the cfquery

  <cfloop query=loc.fixItems>
    <cfset loc.count++>
    <cfset var categoryName = loc.fixItems.categoryName>    
    update items
    set code = <cfqueryparam value="#code#"> -- code needs to be dynamic
    where id = <cfqueryparam value="#itemId#">; -- itemId needs to be dynamic
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