
I have an issue where one of my subscribed methods does not get called upon a post of the correct event type unless that subscribed method is used (called) elsewhere.

Here is some relevant information about the code:

  • A method of one of my classes is annotated with @Subscribe.
  • By stepping through the code with the debugger, I find that under my specific circumstance, the class has no methods annotated with @Subscribe.
  • Unless I call the method directly at some point in time (doesn't matter when, or even if it actually gets called at runtime) elsewhere, my post does not work.
  • The IDE (Android Studio) notifies me that the "method is never used"

I can certainly call the method in a block of code that I am confident will never fire, but this is obviously terrible practice, and defeats the purpose of this post/subscribe paradigm.

Or I can make the method static, but I'd rather not because I use member variables inside of it.

Any solutions to why this is occuring even though Otto's example uses a similar pattern

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Turns out it was a ProGuard issue. Fixed it by adding the following lines:

-keepclassmembers class ** {
    @com.squareup.otto.Subscribe public *;
    @com.squareup.otto.Produce public *;
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