
Suppose I have a collection of survey response documents that look like this:

    _id: ...  
    surveryId: ...  
    created: ...  
    answers:  [ 
        "k" : "53ac9a031703670858aff600",
        "v" : "Yes"
        "k" : "53b1e8961703670aa858e4ec",
        "v" : "75731431"
        "k" : "53b1e8961703670aa858e4ee",
        "v" : "71825"

How would I create aggregation match operator where "53ac9a031703670858aff600" equals "Yes" and "53b1e8961703670aa858e4ec" equals "75731431" using the C# driver?

I can run the following query in mongo shell and get the results I am looking for:

db.Records.aggregate([{ "$match" : { 
    "answers" : { "$elemMatch" : { "k" : "53ac9a031703670858aff600", "v" : "Yes" } }, 
    "answers" : { "$elemMatch" : { "k" : "53b1e8961703670aa858e4ec", "v" : "75731431" } } 

I try to express the same query in C# but get an error because of the duplicate answer key:

new BsonDocument("$match", new BsonDocument
                  { "answers", new BsonDocument
                                "$elemMatch", new BsonDocument
                                    { "k", "53ac9a031703670858aff600" },
                                    { "v", "Yes" }
                  { "answers", new BsonDocument
                                "$elemMatch", new BsonDocument
                                    { "k", "53b1e8961703670aa858e4ec" },
                                    { "v", "75731431" }

I have tried using a single answers element with a BsonArray of $elemMatch elements, but the resulting JSON does not return any results.

How can I express the above $match operator using the C# driver?

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After taking a look at Multiple $elemMatch expressions for matching array values using $all in MongoDB? there should be one "answers" element and a $all to wrap each $elemMatch. So the correct $match operator should be:

db.Records.aggregate([{ "$match" : { 
    "answers" : { "$all": [ 
        {"$elemMatch" : { "k" : "53ac9a031703670858aff600", "v" : "Yes" } }, 
        { "$elemMatch" : { "k" : "53b1e8961703670aa858e4ec", "v" : "75731431" } } 

Which makes the C# code look like this:

new BsonDocument("$match", new BsonDocument
                  { "answers", new BsonDocument
                                "$all", new BsonArray
                                    new BsonDocument("$elemMatch", new BsonDocument
                                            { "k", "53ac9a031703670858aff600" },
                                            { "v", "Yes" }
                                    new BsonDocument("$elemMatch", new BsonDocument
                                        { "k", "53b1e8961703670aa858e4ec" },
                                        { "v", "75731431" }




var query = Query.And(
   Query.EQ("Field1", "somevalue"),
   Query.EQ("Field2", "somevalue")


var query = from e in collection.AsQueryable<Person>()
                            where e.Field1 == "someval" &&
                            e.Field2 == "someotherVal"
select e;

You could then loop further if need be

foreach (var thing in query)
   ///  access thing        

or use cursor

        var cursor = collection.FindAs<BsonDocument>(Query.EQ("field1", "value"));
        var items = cursor.ToList();

there's other ways but that all for today....

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