
I want to get a good list of image gallery engines of all flavours: Stand alone, plugins for Wordpress or Rails, AJAX, no AJAX, using simple folders or a database on the server.

Please state what is needed (eg MySQL and Django) to run each item if possible. Thanks!

[I asked a similar question a while back but had limited responses. Hopefully with more users and a small bounty this will pick up more steam. EDIT - can't attach a bounty for two days. Hold tight.]

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These are the ones I recall at the moment, they are all easy to integrate and they don't require much implementation to use. They all have a good and appealing design. Hope it helps.

  • Cooliris: Runs on flash, uses an RSS feed to show the images

  • FancyBox: Jquery Plugin, you just need to have create an < a ref... arround the < img src...

  • LightBox: jQuery plugin, also easy to use.

  • Photo Slider: jQuery plugin, as some thumbnails bellow which you can use to slide through the images

  • SimpleViewer: Nice Design, shows thumbnails and images

  • HighSlide JS: Javascript viewer


I like Gallery the best of any I've seen. It requires PHP and a database). It can be plugged in to WordPress and other CMSish things

Take a look at SourceForge

If you are looking for a gallery application I recommend the open source project 'Gallery2'.

Lytebox is easy to use and very nice. It's enhanced version of LightBox.

Here is a nice photogallery using silverlight. Slide.Show is another slick Silverlight gallery. There are many gallery modules available for DotNetNuke, and an official module. There are also a great many available on Codeplex.

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