
I am using a library which appends a href element onto an tag. On this link I need to make a call to an angularjs function that is within scope. Something like...

<a href="{{someFunction()}}"></a>

Note: I am attaching this href via javascript from another library (nvd3.js) not actually writing this in because if I was I could easily use ng-click or ng-href.

Was it helpful?


That's a bit convoluted.

CAVEAT: This is very, very hacky and just absolutely exactly what you're NOT supposed to do in angular, but I guess you know that and the library is making your life hard...

First, unlike onclick, an href won't interpret a string as javascript. Instead, you'd have to use

<a href="javascript:someFunction()"></a>

But this alone won't make it work, because someFunction() is not a method on the document, but on the controller, so we need to get the controller first:

<a href="javascript:angular.element(

Where myController refers to the DOM element that is decorated with ng-controller, e.g.

<div data-ng-controller="SomeController" id="myController"> ... </div>

If someFunction modifies the state of the view, you'll also need to use $scope.apply, i.e.

<a href="javascript:angular.element(document.getElementById('myController')).

Note that you don't need the {{ }} syntax, because you're calling javascript directly, you're not asking angular to modify your markup.


So I was not pleased with the answer to this as it doesn't really utilize an elegant angular solution.

Here's my solution:


<body class="wrapper" ng-app="ExampleApp">
  <a my-href="buildUrl('one', aVariable, 'three')">This is my a tag with a function that builds the url</a>


angular.module('ExampleApp', []);
angular.module('ExampleApp').run(function($rootScope) {
  $rootScope.buildUrl = function() {
    var link = [];
    for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
    return '/#!/' + link.join('/');

  $rootScope.aVariable = 'two';

angular.module('ExampleApp').directive('myHref', function($parse) {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
      var url = $parse(attrs.myHref)(scope);
      element.attr('href', url);

You should probably use ng-click here.

The simplest solution is

<a href="" ng-click="someFunction(x,y,z)">Go</a>

href="" is important, otherwise hover cursor style does not change to a pointer

You'll need to use $parse() to process the tag when using {{someFn}}.

I mixed some things here and I have it working.

I have a menu with some options, each one calls a different method on the controller.

<span ng-show="hoverOptions" ng-mouseleave="hoverOut()" class="qk-select ui-select-container qk-select--div">
        <li ng-repeat="option in menuOptions"><a href="javascript:void(0);" ng-click="callFunction(option.action)">{{}}</a></li>

The callFunction method in the controller is defined like that:

$scope.callFunction = function (name){

And the menu options are defined also in the controller in that way:

$scope.menuOptions = [{action: "uploadPhoto" , name:"Cargar foto"}, {action: "logout", name:"Cerrar sesión"}, {action: "createUser", name:"Nuevo usuario"}];

Hope it helps someone.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="utf-8" />
      <title>$window or $location to Redirect URL in AngularJS</title>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
      <script src=""></script>
        var app = angular.module('RedirectURLApp', []);
        app.controller('RedirectURLCtrl', function($scope, $window) {
          $ = 'Anil';
          $scope.RedirectToURL = function() {
            var host = $;
            var landingUrl = "";
            $window.location.href = landingUrl;
    <body ng-app="RedirectURLApp">
      <div ng-controller="RedirectURLCtrl">
        <h2>$window or $location to Redirect URL in AngularJS</h2>
        <p>Hello {{name}},</p>
        Click to Redirect <a href="" ng-click="RedirectToURL()">Click Me!</a>
      <div><h4><a href="">For more detail..</a></h4></div>
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