
I have a device matrix U of dimensions MxN in column major ordering. Now I'd like to extract the row K into a vector u. Is there a function to accomplish this? Note the copy would need to take into account an offset of K and a stride of M.

I was looking at the function cudaMemcpy2D but it rings no bells, coming from a more LAPACK style API I don't understand what these pitch parameters are, why are they not called simply rows and cols or M and N?

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You can use

cublas<t>copy(handle, N, U+K, M, u, 1);




#define gpuErrchk(ans) { gpuAssert((ans), __FILE__, __LINE__); }
inline void gpuAssert(cudaError_t code, char *file, int line, bool abort=true)
    if (code != cudaSuccess) 
        fprintf(stderr,"GPUassert: %s %s %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(code), file, line);     
        if (abort) exit(code);

#ifndef cublasSafeCall
#define cublasSafeCall(err)     __cublasSafeCall(err, __FILE__, __LINE__)

inline void __cublasSafeCall(cublasStatus_t err, const char *file, const int line)
    if( CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS != err) {
        fprintf(stderr, "CUBLAS error in file '%s', line %d\n \nerror %d \nterminating!\n",__FILE__, __LINE__,err); 
        getch(); cudaDeviceReset(); assert(0); 

int main() {

    const int M = 5;
    const int N = 4;
    const int K = 2;

    cublasHandle_t handle;

    float* U = (float*)malloc(M*N*sizeof(float));
    float* d_U; 

    float* u = (float*)malloc(M*sizeof(float));
    float* d_u;

    for (int j=0; j<N; j++) 
        for (int i=0; i<M; i++) 
            U[j*M+i] = (float)(i*j); // Column-major ordering

    printf("K-th row - Input\n");
    for (int j=0; j<N; j++) printf("U(K,%i) =  %f\n",j,U[j*M+K]);


    cublasSafeCall(cublasScopy(handle, N, d_U+K, M, d_u, 1));


    printf("K-th row - Output\n");
    for (int j=0; j<N; j++) printf("u(%i) =  %f\n",j,u[j]);




The answer to the first part is no. The memory inside the GPU is linear, like the host side. If you want to access only row elements of a 2D matrix that is saved in column-major order, it would be costly because of non-coalesced accesses. Since GPU memory is configured in segments, every access to an element requires fetching not only the element itself but also the neighboring elements in the segment, which in column-major ordering happens to be mostly elements of the column the element resides in. While if you store your matrix in row-major order and access elements of a row, GPU tries to merge simultaneous memory requests to minimum segment transactions.
cudaMallocPitch, which is preferred for saving 2D data, pads the memory allocation so the starting address of each and every row/column with length width reside in the starting address of a segment. As a result, when you access all elements of a row/column, fetched segments would be minimized. The cost of using this method is wasting memory space.

As @Farzad noted, the memory access pattern for the operation you want is inefficient, but other than that, what you want can be accomplished with a call to cudaMemcpy2D (assuming u and U are of type int):

 cudaMemcpy2D((void*)u, sizeof(int), (void*)(U+K), sizeof(int)*M, sizeof(int), N, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
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