
When I watch my mac's network connectivity I can tell that a movie is still buffering even after I remove the view which had the AVPlayer on it.

Does anyone know how to force AVPlayer to stop loading data?

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Solution 4

I figured it out.

When you want to stop an AVPlayerItem from loading, use AVQueuePlayer's removeAllItems and then re-initialize it.

  [self.avPlayer removeAllItems];
  self.avPlayer = [AVQueuePlayer playerWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];
  self.avPlayer = nil;

This will stop the current item from loading -- it is the only way I found to accomplish this.


Maybe it's late to answer this question, but I've just solved the same one. Just save here in case anyone need...

    [self.player.currentItem cancelPendingSeeks];
    [self.player.currentItem.asset cancelLoading];

There's no cancel method in AVPlayer class, but in AVPlayerItem and AVAsset class, there are!

PS: player here is AVPlayer class, not AVQueuePlayer class.

I had the same issue and this line solved it..

self.avPlayer?.replaceCurrentItem(with: AVPlayerItem(url: URL.init(string: "")!))

I also call the function


where asset is my AVURLAsset object inside my player handler class

An AVPlayer is not a view. You may have "removed the view" but that does not mean you have removed or stopped the AVPlayer. I would guess that the way to do what you want is to destroy the AVPlayer itself.

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