
In my Eloquent collections, I'd like to add an extra column called "editable". "Editable" should be included in each query I run on some models. "Editable" show either be true or false, based on a raw query.

So I have a query that should be runned in each query on my models. Adding an extra column to my collection. The value of "editable" is determined by a raw query.

What is the best way to do this?

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You could add an addSelect() method to your query chain to include the custom attribute..

Something like

$results = YourModelClass::select("*")
    ->addSelect(DB::raw("IF(condition,1,0) AS editable"))

In the above case, you would replace condition with your relevant SQL statement that would be evaluated per-row as part of the query. If the statement is true, then editable = 1 and if false then editable = 0 for each row returned to your Collection.

EDIT: I just saw that you want this on every query, so you probably would need a global scope/trait for your models, but the above technique for including the extra attribute should be the correct one.

I won't copy/paste the documentation on adding global scopes, that's in the core Laravel docs and I'm sure you can find it.


You can add a custom getter to your model:

public function getEditableAttribute()
    /* return result from your raw query here */;
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